Rental Charges are based on Time Out not Time Used. Please don’t ask for a reduction in charges because you didn’t use it, because you forgot, because it rained or whatever. If you don’t need it, return it. Pricing is subject to change. If you encounter operational problems call immediately 1-507-388-1677.
Minimum: 1 Hr-2 Hr-4 Hr-Day depending on equipment
Daily: 24HR according to business hours
Weekly: 7 consecutive days
Monthly: 4 consecutive weeks
Metered Machines are allowed 8 HR day, 40 Hr Week, 160 Hr Month
Deposits for reservations are required on Tents, Bounce Rides, Dunk Tank, Table Linens. Deposits are ½ down and are non-refundable and non-transferable. .
Candelabra require a $50 cleaning deposit, returned when they come back without wax.
Flatware, glassware, dishes and the boxes they’re in must be returned clean to avoid additional cleaning charges.
Visa or MasterCard Credit Card must be used for all Trailer and Tow Dolly Rentals. A friendly reminder, a Debit Card is not a Credit Card. The towing equipment is owned locally, A to Z Rental does not have any one way trailer rentals.
A Credit Card is also required for all Scaffolding Rentals.
Scissor Lift and Boom Lift Rentals used for Painting will need to be covered to prevent over spray. Additional Labor Charges will apply if a Lift needs repainting.
Machines such as: Track Loaders, Bobcats, Mini-Excavators, Stump Grinders, Wood Chippers, Trenchers, Vibratory Rollers, Air Compressors and Dingos are rented out full of fuel. They Must Be Returned Full of Fuel. Machines not full will be topped off and additional charges will apply. If you don’t know if the machine uses Gasoline or Diesel, please ask.
The following are the responsibility of the customer:
All Flat Tires
Fuel: All heavy equipment is rented full of fuel & must be returned full of fuel or your contract will assessed a fuel charge.
If, at any time before or during your rental, you are unsure about the operating or safety procedures for the equipment, please call or ask.
The Customer is responsible to properly tie down rental equipment.
The Customer is responsible to load trailers properly with a 60/40 load weight ratio. 60% of the load in front of the axle, 40% behind the axle. Improperly loading and overloading a trailer can lead to trailer damage, bodily damage and even death.
A to Z Rental reserves the right to refuse to hook a trailer/equipment to a vehicle that is inadequate or improperly equipped to handle the load.
A to Z Rental is not responsible for items left unattended in our lot after hours. Doing so, is your responsibility and your risk. If you are not prepared to cover the full replacement value, do not leave the equipment.
Neither A to Z Rental or its employees are responsible for any damage to Lessor’s Vehicle while loading or unloading rental equipment.